It seems that everyone we ask in January 2022 shares the same desire for themselves this year: to be healthier. Health and wellbeing remain a priority – it has been two years since the pandemic began and there is a hope that we are moving into a phase where we have more control over our lives. For some of us, that means getting our health the focus it needs. If this sounds like you, then we have some great tips for you to live a healthier life in 2022…

Drink more water

Water is so often overlooked but drinking plenty of water is key for a healthier you in 2022. Drinking plenty of water improves memory and mood, helps with exercise and supports your bodily functions. What’s not to love? Why not try this? Just once a day, choose water instead of your regular drink of choice. Alternatively, have a bottle of water by your side throughout the day so you naturally start to reach for it. 

Add 10 minutes of exercise to your day

If you don’t already exercise, aim to do 10 minutes each day. If you do currently exercise, add 10 extra minutes to your routine. Just a simple increase to your exercise routine can make a huge difference. You can walk on the spot or do weights whilst watching TV in the evening as a simple way of increasing your physical activity. 

Get moving at work

A big problem for many, is how sedentary their life is, largely impacted by sitting at a computer all day at work. You can make a big difference to your health by standing up more often, or taking a quick walk or stretch break periodically throughout the day. 

Go to bed 10 minutes earlier

Sleep is one of the key pillars for feeling good and being able to get the most out of each day. If you go to bed ten minutes earlier each day, then by the end of the week, you’ll get an extra 70 minutes of sleep. Keep it up all year, and you’ll have slept 60 hours more. Imagine how well rested you’ll feel!

Commit to one healthy stress-relieving activity per day

We have spoken so much in our blogs about the need for self-care, and it remains a crucial part of maintaining wellness. If you commit time each day, no matter how small, to doing one stress-relieving activity per day, you will feel so much better. This could be doing a hobby, reading a book, walking the dog, listening to music… Whatever it is, it is all about you. 

Each day, find a way to eat more fruit or vegetables

Maintaining a healthy, balanced diet is so crucial and we think you will be surprised at how many more opportunities you actually have to increase your intake of fruit and vegetables. Why not try meal planning so you can ensure you manage a healthy balance and control your spend as well?

Spend more time with family and friends 

One problem left from the pandemic is the impact on our confidence with socialisation. Making the time to be with family and friends is so important to your overall health and wellbeing – to relieve stress, laugh more and relax.

Make it a habit to appreciate all you have (and the important people in your life)

One really good exercise to keep you feeling well is to make a note at the end of each day of three things you are grateful for, or three good things (no matter how small) that happened that day. This 5-minute exercise can have a huge impact over time by focusing your mind on what is good in your life. 

Take time away from your screens

A result of ever more appealing technology and the pandemic, is an addiction to screens and it can have such a bad impact on our health and wellbeing. Why not try taking time away from screens – for you and your family – each week? Time to read a book, do some exercise together, play a board game. You may be surprised at how much better you feel, not to be held to ransom by your phone!

Include supplemental oxygen as part of your daily wellbeing routine

If you’re trying to get fit and implement a healthier lifestyle, pure oxygen can play a big part in that choice. For recovery purposes, or as part of a daily routine to have the clearest mindset possible, our Oxygen Cans are a fantastic way to make sure you’re looking after your mind and body.