If there is one thing we have become accustomed to over the past 18 months, it is being outside. Lockdown taught us to walk again and appreciate the outside. From wintery walks to long distance runs, the great outdoors has provided us with much needed solace. Winter can be hard on the skin, however, with central heating and cold winds resulting in dry, irritable skin. Don’t panic, though, our resident ClearO2 beauty expert has put together some top tips for looking after your skin in the winter. 

From dry skin and chapped lips, there’s a multitude of skin problems that crop up periodically during the winter months. Luckily, it’s easy to ward off unwanted skin problems and keep your complexion glowing and healthy all season long.

Don’t underestimate the power of water

One of the best ways to protect your skin from becoming too dry is to ensure you’re topped up from the inside, which means drinking plenty of water every day. If the thought of having a glass of something cold puts you off over winter, hot water with a slice of lemon, or herbal teas, are great alternatives to caffeine or hot chocolate.

Vitamin-loaded foods

As well as drinking water, there are lots of foods that have a high-water content to help you and your skin stay hydrated. Plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables are key as well as foods that contain skin-boosting zinc and vitamin C.

Moisturiser Magic

A hydrating moisturiser is an essential part of your winter skincare routine but don’t overload your skin and try not to keep switching between different products. If you have a good moisturiser then that should work for you all year round. 

Mist regularly 

Keep an oxygen face mist with you throughout the day and make sure you use it regularly. It will keep your skin feeling fresh and moisturised regardless of constant changes of temperature. 

Exfoliation is key

Exfoliation can make a huge difference to skin that is feeling a little dry. Gentle exfoliation shifts sluggish skin cells to reveal baby fresh skin and promote a healthy glow.  Enjoy the winter but listen to your skin. Keep hydrated both inside and out.