As human beings, we all want to be happy. Right? It’s the ultimate emotional state that most of us seek on a daily basis. But defining it can be tricky. It’s fairly subjective. And what makes one person smile may make another frown.

But in general terms, happiness is broadly characterised as a collection of other emotions.  Contentment, satisfaction, positivity and fulfilment experienced together in some small way probably mean we’re feeling happy.

But what prompts happiness? And can we kick-start it when we’re feeling low?

According to a recent article in Psychology Today, “Research shows that much of happiness is under personal control. Regularly indulging in small pleasures, getting absorbed in challenging activities, setting and meeting goals, maintaining close social ties, and finding purpose beyond oneself all increase life satisfaction. It isn’t happiness per se that promotes well-being, it’s the actual pursuit that’s key…”

Great news all round!

So, what if you could enhance your way of living and feel happier this winter by making a few simple adjustments to your day-to-day in the pursuit of happiness?

If you’re anything like the ClearO2 team, realising you could make a big difference to your mental wellbeing by making a few small changes will have you onboard by now.

But how?

Create an empowering morning routine

Do you find yourself falling out of bed with a frown on your face, dreading the day ahead? You’re not the only one! But building a morning ritual that sets you up for the day is a sure-fire way to feeling happy as you go about your work. What you do when you rise sets the tone for the rest of your day. Find what makes you smile when you wake and turn it into a habit.

Practice being grateful

A great routine to get into. And one for all ages. Before you get out of bed in the morning, search your mind for five things you’re grateful for. Do the same when you climb into bed at night. A recent psychological study showed that those people who show gratitude are generally, happier, healthier and wealthier.


Not tricky to achieve, this one. But easy to overlook. How often do you sit and simply breathe? Noticing the inhale and exhale of your breath. No emails, phones, or music to distract you. Just you and your lungs, doing your thing. Make time to gather your thoughts, enjoy some silence, and breathe.

Bin bad thoughts

A study performed by students at The University of Madrid found that writing your negative thoughts down and then destroying the paper they’re scribbled on helps remove them from your mind. What’s more, psychologists advocate making this a regular practice to overcome a pessimistic internal monologue.

Be present

Take time each day to centre yourself in the here and now. We know it’s easy to worry about tomorrow and fret about the future, but there’s nothing more toxic in the quest for happiness than looking back and racing forwards. Stop to appreciate your life in this very moment.

Take time to exercise

Find a shortcut to those happy hormones through movement and we bet you’ll end up smiling as you do. Could you walk instead of taking the car? Maybe take the stairs rather than hopping in the lift? Try to find ways to move more which are part of what you’re doing anyway. Dance while be making dinner or consider standing at your desk.