It’s easy to watch other people out running and make the assumption that exercise comes easy to them. Or listen to friends telling stories about their session in the gym and write it off as them being born with the gym-bunny gene. But it’s not necessarily the case.

Fitness is defined as ‘the condition of being physically fit and healthy.’ It doesn’t come with a caveat about how we ought to achieve it. But, for some reason, the word conjures images of sweaty gyms, speeding treadmills, heavy weights and, dare we say it, punishment? 

And because of that, falling in love with fitness needs to start with a shift in mindset, for the majority of us.

Focusing your attention on what being fit means to you is a great place to begin. For some that will mean nailing a spin class, and for others it could mean keeping up with the kids during your kitchen disco.

Giving consideration to what a healthy lifestyle looks like is also paramount – as is reminding yourself that moving your body is a celebration of what it can do and the way you choose to live. It’s definitely not payback for eating two puddings, helping yourself to the biscuit tin or finishing your child’s dinner. Nor is it a method for beating yourself up about what your body can’t do.

Fit and healthy is a positive place to be. And the road to getting there is a life-affirming lane to travel. 

Suddenly, falling in love with something that makes you feel happier, flushes your brain with endorphins and benefits your body isn’t such a hard sell, right?

Search your soul for how movement can make you smile. And double down on that feeling. Take tap classes, learn circus skills or strap on roller skates. Fitness is about carving out time for you.


Be A Goal-Getter

Be clear about what fitness looks like for you. Attach a goal to the vision. And off you go!

Be Consistent

It’s thought that in as little as 30 days, you can program a new behaviour so that it becomes routine. So get your goal in mind and get going!

Play The Long Game

Know that you’re not going to get fit overnight. In fact, you’re probably not going to tick that box for another few months. But that’s fine. You’re not in this for the quick gains. You’re in this to fall in love with a new way of being. And that takes time.

Be Kind To Yourself

Starting anything new can be hard. Never more so than at the beginning of a new relationship! As your partnership with exercise flourishes, be sure to look back at what you’ve achieved, as well as looking forwards to where you want to go. And give yourself a break from time to time. Appreciate that life throws us curve balls but that you’re doing your best.

Let’s go!